Animal Kaiser Fiesta 2010 will be organised by IAH and seven-eleven !
Date : 7 th and 14th Mar 2010
Time : 11.00AM ,1pm , 4.30pm and 6.30 pm
Venue : @ (7-11)
(East) Sengkang Sport Complex
West Plaza
(North West): Fajar Greenridge Shopping Center
(North) : Vista Point
Time : Afternoon
1100hrs-1230hrs Children (Fajar Greenridge shopping center/vista point)
1300hrs- 1430hrs Adult (Fajar Greenridge shopping center/vista point)
TIme: Evenings
1630hrs-1800hrs Children (Sengkang Sport Complex / West Plaza)
1830hrs-1930hrs Adult (Sengkang Sport Complex / West Plaza)
7th Mar and 14th Mar
4 stores ,2 category , each category -16 participants
Total Participant per store 32 on 7th Mar Sunday
Total island wide 32 x 4 =128
winner per store : 1 Champ Lion + 1 runner up for each category
Totakl winners : 8
Volunteers : 8
Total Participant per store 32 on 14th Mar Sunday (starting of Mar holiday)
Total island wide 32 x 4 =128
winner per store : 1 Champ Lion + 1 runner up for each category
Totakl winners : 8
Volunteers : 8
Grand Final :- dates to be confirm by Namco Japan…
Grand Final - 16 winners from 4 different stores ...
Grand winner s for children and adult catergories will be announced .
Registration :
Physical forms place at participating 7-11 stores only (e four store)
and online registration (link to be disclose on 22th Feb)
Registration period from 22th feb- 28th Feb( 1 week)
No payment for registration
Ballating system to determine players backend after closing dates
Adult- $5 / children $2
Registration fee will be collected on the actual day of competition
Tournament Mechanics:
Children category : All ver 1 and ver 2 locals Card (All cards usable including GOLD)
Adult Category: 4 sets of cards to be used per round
Round 1 (16participants)- Normal Cards
Round 2 (8 participants) -can use up to Bronze Cards
Round 3 (4 participants)-can use up to Silver Cards
Round 4 (2 particpants)-can use up to Gold Cards
No show or late comer will be disqualified and walk over
Local English Version 1 and 2 original cards
Empire will check the cards before scanning
Identity vertification top confirrm participant
Children cartegory: Age 12 and below
Adult category : Age 13 and above .
Drawings of postion to be taken place at half hour before tournament
Grand winner s for children and adult catergories will be announced .
Should be @ united square during Mar holiday
Qualifier Round Prize:
Champion :-Champ Lion + gold box set + Grand Final T-shirt
Runner Up ilver box setAll participant will get grey wolf
Grand Final Prize
Children category :
Champions gets CHAMP GORILLA
Adult category
Champions gets CHAMP MASTER LEO
pls give ur feedback and enquires to us ....